• Andrey Goloborodko Chekhov Institute of Taganrog (branch) of the FSBFEI HE «Rostov State University of Economics»
  • Sergey Vorontsov Department of Procedural Law at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
  • Aleksandr Ponedelkov Department of Political Science and Ethnopolitics at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Keywords: state, society, culture, cultural policy, national security, globalization, security hazards.


This article reviews the modern hazards and challenges of national security for the Russian Federation and the need to reformat its main issues and determining factors. The authors examine the concept of cultural policy, the interdependence of politics and culture, where the political sphere is considered a product of cultural and social life, or in other words, where politics is a form of cultural existence. The authors describe the previous political science research concerning culture and the phenomenon of cultural policy where culture is considered the main mechanism of socializing an individual (Goloborodko, 2012). They also examine a cultural policy as an instrument reflecting the social and political systems’ relationships. The authors explore the concept of national security and ways to ensure that national interests are protected within the systems of both Russia and international affairs. It is noted that in recent years, the problems of culture and cultural policies, as factors of national security, have drawn crucial public and scientific attention, substantiating reasons for increased effort on the humanitarian issues of national security. The authors conclude that the culture accumulated in the political sphere could influence the regulation of social development and ensure a stable public and political existence.


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