• Spasimir Domaradzki Lazarski University
Keywords: Deeuropeanization, Europeanization, interest, values, mimetism, criteria, antonym


There is a noticeable disproportion between the research conducted on the process of Europeanization and its potential antonym Deeuropeanization. Whereas Europeanization has dominated the research agenda of European studies for already four decades, the concept of Deeuropeanization emerged only over the last decade and its conceptualization is rather in its preliminary stage. However, more and more journalists, intellectuals and scholars reach for this tempting antonym to accent on the negative trends observed within the process of European integration. The aim of this article is to identify the most common utilizations of the term, propose further extension of the concept and to reflect on its research potential. The article distills Deeuropeanization as a return to national interest, a departure from the European values, but also identifies institutional and procedural, and mimetic Deeuropeanization. With regard for these dimensions Deeuropeanization cannot be treated as a general antonym of Europeanization. Concluding, the article sets criteria for the identification of the process of Deeuropeanization. Firstly, when the Europeanization process produces worse results in comparison to the status quo ante. Secondly, when it leads to dystrophy of the integration consensus. Thirdly, when it facilitates the emergence of factors weakening Europeanization. Thus, the article provides a platform for the identification of Deeuropeanization as a distinct and helpful extension of the cognitive apparatus in the European Studies.


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