• Liana Dehelean “Victor Babes” University of Medicine & Pharmacy Timişoara
  • Ana Maria Romosan “Victor Babes” University of Medicine & Pharmacy Timişoara
  • Ion Papava “Victor Babes” University of Medicine & Pharmacy Timişoara
  • Radu Stefan Romosan “Victor Babes” University of Medicine & Pharmacy Timişoara
  • Papazian Petru Politehnica University of Timişoara, Faculty of Electronics & Telecommunications, Applied Electronics Department
  • Babaita Mircea Politehnica University of Timişoara, Faculty of Electronics & Telecommunications, Applied Electronics Department
Keywords: undergraduate medical education, satisfaction, foreign students, emigration,


Background: In Romania, foreign medical students have the possibility to learn the same curricula in Romanian, English, or French. The purpose of the study: To compare students’ satisfaction with training and future career opportunities from the perspective of Romanian and foreign students. Methods: The study was conducted for terminal year medical students divided into two samples, Romanian and foreign language students. The participants were invited to fill in a satisfaction questionnaire about their professional training and to express preferences for future career. Results: Foreign students were more satisfied with the lectures and the teaching staff. They attended optional lectures more frequently in comparison with Romanian students. Foreign students were more inclined to attend medical conferences and to enroll in PhD programs. While Romanian students were more inclined to consider emigration, foreign students prefer to practice in their native countries. Conclusions: Compared to their Romanian colleagues, foreign students were more engaged in educational and research activities.


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