• Aleksey Baranov Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, South Russian Institute of Management
  • Ivan Pivovarov Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, South Russian Institute of Management
Keywords: YouTube, undergraduate studies, social networking website, social media, video lectures, Russia, higher education.


The aim of this research article is to study and evaluate YouTube as an effective instrument of transmitting lecture information. The factors that motivate teachers to use YouTube in undergraduate studies are specified. Within the scopes of the research study, students were shown a YouTube video lecture before each lecture in a classroom. According to the author’s idea, these YouTube video lectures contained theoretical fundamentals, which created the necessary background for lectures in the classroom, where some case studies based on theories from video lectures were discussed. During the study, students were asked about their preferences on the YouTube video lectures, factors that motivate them to watch these lectures, things they would like to improve in the video lectures, and types of video lectures they mostly like. The findings show, that an unusual background location in the video can attract the students’ attention. Another conclusion that was made was that students get used to video lectures during the semester and hence by the end of the course they stop perceiving video lectures as something new. To conclude, video lectures no matter how popular they are in terms of number of views, allow teachers to use a time, which was originally planned for theory, for case studies that in many ways makes the educational process more attractive for students and practically focused.


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