• Talgat Uteubayev D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov
  • Mariana Petrova "St.Cyril and St.Methodius" University of VelikoTarnovo
  • Irena Lyubenova D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov
Keywords: human resources, qualified specialist, business, university, education, public-private partnership


This article is devoted to the problem of forming qualified specialists in the labor market during the process of their education in university. This article presents the mechanisms of integration of education and business on the basis of a public-private partnership with the identification of strategic objectives, directions, and expected results of interaction between the educational institution and employers' enterprises in the training of qualified specialists. The expected results of the interaction between the subjects of the public-private partnership based on the results of the implementation of organizational and educational support for the personality of the student, teacher, employer and the state as a whole are revealed. A scheme for organizing a resource center for the interaction between an educational institution and employers' enterprises, as well as the effectiveness of its creation. The new mechanism for the sustainable development of the higher education system should solve the following strategic tasks: expansion of educational and research activities of universities and other organizations of the higher education system on the basis of the development of scientific schools and practice; interaction of fundamental scientific research and university vocational education; strengthening of the connection between the practice-oriented and research components of the university; the introduction of a competence approach that allows the linking of professional competencies that meet modern realities and market requirements in order to achieve the goald of higher education; increasing the level of preparation of competitive human resources in demand for students of universities in the domestic labor market.


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