• Tatyana Skvortsova Department of civil law, Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don
  • Аnna Nikitina Department of civil law, Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don
  • Mustafa Ansari Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don
  • Margarita Tertyshnikova Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don
Keywords: entrepreneurial activity, income-generating activities, large, medium and small business entities, commercial organizations, non-profit organizations


Entrepreneurial activity is pursued by large, medium and small business entities which can be introduced by individuals – individual entrepreneurs and legal entities – commercial and non-profit organizations. The entrepreneurial activity of these entities is regulated by the rules of law which may cause problems in law enforcement resulting in the improvement of legal regulation. The article provides a review of some legal regulation issues of entrepreneurial activities of non-profit organizations, the analysis of peculiarities of economic activity exercised by these organizations and covers the problems of differentiation between entrepreneurial and non-entrepreneurial activities that individuals are engaged in. The authors analyze the problem of relations between the concepts of "entrepreneurial activity" and "income-generating activities" which requires a solution by means of elaborating a strategy for existing legislation improvement to prevent situations that violate the rights and legal interests of entities in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity.


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