• Aurelia Rybak Silesian University of Technology Faculty of Mining and Geology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation in Industry
  • Ewelina Włodarczyk Silesian University of Technology Faculty of Mining and Geology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation in Industry
Keywords: KPI, work efficiency, ARIMA Model


Motivation: This article presents the analysis of work efficiency in hard coal mining in Poland. Labour costs in Polish mining enterprises account for over 40% of the total production cost. For this reason, the labour productivity of employees has a key impact on the final operating profit.

Problem statement: In the case of Polish coal companies, the efficiency is the index value of which particular restructuration programs have attempted to increase for years. However, because of the effect of overstaffing and a decrease in hard coal exploitation, the task was impossible.

Approach and results: In this article the effects of the latest recovery programme have been presented, the production efficiency index has been determined; the rate of changes in production volume has been presented as well as the employment figure and the average salary in the Polish mining industry in the recent decade.  Moreover, the prognosis of the employment figure using the ARIMA and ARMAX class model was conducted.

Conclusions: It should be noted that in the last four years a significant reduction in the employment figure has been onserved in the hard coal mining industry. This figure has been adjusted to the production volume level.  This, in turn, has positively influenced the work efficiency coefficient level.


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