• Bruna Papa Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana
Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial university, barriers and facilitator components


Today, the role of universities has changed and universities are not being only seen as creators and transmitters of knowledge but also as institutions that give innovative answers to economic and social challenges of society. The entrepreneurial university model is referred to many as the “Ideal state” of a university in responding efficiently and effectively to challenges and opportunities and being able to be competitive in today’s environment of universities by fulfilling the university’s “third mission”. Even though many definitions exist for the concept of an entrepreneurial university, an overall common definition is lacking due to the fact that each institution follows a unique transformation path which is influenced by various economic and social factors of the environment they operate. The goal of this paper is to contribute to the understating of the above mentioned definition of an entrepreneurial university, how this concept is viewed in public higher education institutions in Albania and to identify which are the most important factors that might facilitate or serve as barriers for Higher Education Institutions (HEI-s) that might want to move towards this institutional approach. A questionnaire was distributed to academics in 5 higher public institutions in Albania and received 372 responses. An empirical study was conducted to contribute to the literature on the entrepreneurial university aspects with a specific focus on Albanian Higher Education Institutions. The results show that even in Albania, a common accepted definition is lacking. Factors such as cooperation with the private sector, appropriate reward systems, presence of role models and flexible structures are among the most important facilitators. While a lack of funding and inadequate links with the private sector are seen as the greatest barriers for public HEIs in Albania in becoming entrepreneurial institutions.


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