• Agnieszka Leszczynska Maria Sklodowska Curie University, Faculty of Economics
Keywords: values, commitment, organization


This article discusses issues related to organizational commitment and work related values. The research problem focuses on the correlation between values related to professional work and the affective, normative and calculative commitment of employees. A research question was posed as to what work related values are correlated with organisational commitment. The article presents the results of an empirical study conducted on a group of 2076 people with the use of a diagnostic survey. The obtained data were analysed relative to the gender and age of the respondents. The results indicate certain discrepancies in terms of the value hierarchies observable between employees of different ages. Both men and women selected work-life balance and security as their most important values. The level of commitment was comparable between representatives of the two genders, with the levels observed for normative commitment. Organisational commitment increased with age and was statistically different for the respective age groups. The study confirmed the correlation between the hierarchy of work related values and the level of commitment, as well as the discrepancies in this respect between the respective age and gender groups. The same suggests that there is a need to account for values held by the employees when developing and employing motivational systems and HR practices.


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