• Jozef Kubás Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Žilina
  • Viktor Šoltés Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Žilina
  • Zuzana Štofková Faculty of Operation and Economy of Transport and Communication, University of Žilina
Keywords: Municipal policies, offenses, security, municipalities


Public administration in Slovakia is organized on three levels, one of which is self-government. A local self-administration is defined as a territorial self-government, which is lower on the hierarchy than a regional government. In the Republics of Slovak and Czech, local self-government consists of municipals of privileged entities or incorporations that are attempting to achieve the most secure environment for their citizens. Obtaining this status is possible with a sufficient local budget to form and use services of municipal police. The municipal police force is a disciplinary unit within an area of its territory. In study is the possibility of improving the municipal police of the Slovak Republic. To identify limitations, the Slovak municipal police force is compared with that of another nation exercising activities under similar conditions. For this purpose, the municipal police force of the Czech Republic is compared with that of the Slovak Republic using various indicators. The results show several weaknesses of the municipal police force of Slovak Republic and recommendations are provided to improve its effectiveness.


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