• Łukasz Konopielko Łazarski University
  • Oleksandr Demchenko Capital Trade Sp. z o.o.
Keywords: internet, economic growth, OECD, VAR.


This paper is focused on determining the effects of increase in the Internet usage on economic development of two groups of countries: OECD and NON-OECD countries. Two separate Vector Autoregression models were used. The hypotheses were inspired by claims that GDP per capita and trade, including trade in services, have a positive correlation with Internet usage growth. The hypotheses were tested on a set of 26 OECD and 21 NON-OECD countries for a period of 20 years, from 1995 to 2015. Results of the paper do not confirm the existence of a direct positive correlation between GDP per capita and Internet users. For all countries, a direct comparison of the chosen variables show a negative correlation. For OECD countries, trade in services has a positive correlation with Internet usage growth, while for NON-OECD countries both trade and trade in services showed a positive correlation with Internet usage growth.


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