• Kalina Grzesiuk Faculty of Social Sciences, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
  • Monika Wawer Faculty of Social Sciences, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: employer branding, company’s website, social media, human resources management


This article concerns employer branding strategies implemented by the selected Polish companies. The main purpose of this paper is to present the current state of network tools utilization among the largest Polish private firms listed in 2017 by the Forbes Magazine. The media taken into consideration included the company’s website career page and the firm’s presence on the job related network sites such as: LinkedIn, GoldenLine, GoWork.pl and Pracuj.pl. The research described in this paper was based on a case study method. The results show that the company’s website and the social network sites are effective tools for building a firm’s profile as a part of employer branding strategies. However, with such a wide choice of the job related services available, a company must choose the services that allow the company to address the right target audience for active and passive job seekers.


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