• Tatiana Genzorová University of Žilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Žilina
  • Tatiana Čorejová University of Žilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Žilina
  • Natália Stalmašeková University of Žilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Žilina
Keywords: tourism, mobile applications, comparison, digital platform, traveling


People today are more willing to spend money on travel than ever before. Because of new possibilities, traveling is easier and travelers can choose options quicker for immediate travel. Today, their decisions are influenced by the use of mobile applications in tourism, which can help with finding accommodation the world over. Travelers do not need to check special hotels in a chosen destination and compare prices to find the most suitable or cheapest option. Mobile applications in tourism can do that for them, making traveling much simpler. The aim of this paper is to describe trends in tourism in Slovakia. The first part of the paper contains a general framework of digital platforms and the second part describes the current situation of tourism in Slovakia compared with that in the Czech Republic. The paper highlights attitudinal differences between countries regarding the use of mobile applications in tourism. The final part of the paper contains research about new customs of Slovaks in tourism.


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