• Katarína Gašová University of Žilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Žilina
  • Tomáš Mišík University of Žilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Žilina
  • Zuzana Štofková University of Žilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Žilina
Keywords: e-skills, university students, digital economy, survey.


The digital era is a society- and worldwide affair culminating in change in every sphere of people’s lives and life. The people of the Slovak Republic are not exempt. Modern trends that determine employers’ demands for digital literacy include the Digital Single Market, Industry 4.0, automation, and digitalization. The potential for usability of digital technologies depends on whether people can perceive their benefits, know how to handle them, and use them in practice. One of the prerequisites for an individual in the ‘information society’ or the ‘knowledge society’ is the acquiring, renewing and deepening of digital skills. Universities augment these processes. This paper analyses the primary sources of acquiring digital skills nationally and compares the digital skills of students from the University of Žilina. The proficient use of information and communications technology for problem solving, teamwork, and communication is the most required skill by employers. This study’s survey results suggest that the education system does not sufficiently reflect the current demands of a rapidly changing labor market. Also, the education system does not meet students’ expectations for e-skills acquired during their study and this result should be a matter of forthcoming discussions.


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