• Sandra Filipe GOVCOPP, University of Aveiro
  • Claudia Amaral Santos GOVCOPP, University of Aveiro
  • Belem Barbosa GOVCOPP, University of Aveiro
Keywords: glamping, camping, tourists’ motivations, tourists’ obstacles, consumer behavior, nature-based tourism


Although still little-known, glamping has become a nature-based tourism option for people who want a higher level of comfort. The offer of this type of accommodation is growing, namely in Portugal, but there are still few studies that address the motivations and other relevant factors explaining its adoption or refusal by consumers. The present study applied a qualitative approach aimed at exploring consumers’ motivations or obstacles for choosing glamping, and their perceptions as tourists on the differences between glamping and camping. Data were collected through the conduction of focus groups held in 2017 and content analysis techniques for contextualized interpretations were used. The most important motivational driver to go glamping is the direct contact with nature. Glamour, comfort, privacy and a different experience are also important aspects that consumers appreciate. Inversely, the main obstacles are the cost, the limited offer, the lack of knowledge, and the non-authenticity, compared to camping, of the offer.


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