• Ezmolda Barolli University of Tirana, Faculty of Economy
  • Ilir Kurti Keminet, Tirana
Keywords: IT governance, critical success factor, organizational levels


Although information technology today is a driving force behind public sector innovation, harnessing the benefits of investing in such technology is challenging for governments worldwide. Hence, a wide number of governments are endeavoring to implement governance projects for effective information technology. This study expands on earlier research into information technology governance within the public sector. The earlier study proposed a new construct to analyze the critical success factors. While the previous work mainly focused on the strategic level, this current study spans the organizational levels of strategic, tactical, and operational. Apart from a general consensus on Critical Success Factors, the results reveal a number of differences between the levels that affect every organization. Failure to minimize these differences could have a negative effect on the aligning business with information technology.


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