• Ivana Škorecová Department of Physics, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
  • Aba Teleki Department of Physics, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
  • Ľubomír Zelenický Department of Physics, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Keywords: Cloze test, Survival function, readability, physics school text


This article presents a comparison of two physics school texts from the perspective of readability and use of specific terms. The study uses the survival function to associate the readability of physics school text to the length of terms used in the text. First, the study compares the survival functions of two full texts and that of the terms in these texts, and then analyzes the associated relative readability. Next, the results of two cloze tests involving 150 students are compared. The last step investigates the randomness of the differences between the results. The results show a strong correlation between the test scores and the probability distributions of terms used in the school texts. The difference between the probability distribution of the compared texts corresponds with the differences between the appropriate survival functions, where random fluctuations in the frequency of terms are suppressed.


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