• Liana Dehelean University of Medicine & Pharmacy Timisoara, Romania, Neurosciences-Psychiatry Department
  • Ana Maria Romosan University of Medicine & Pharmacy Timisoara, Romania, Neurosciences-Psychiatry Department
  • Petru Papazian Politehnica University of Timisoara, Faculty of Electronics & Telecommunications, Applied Electronics Department
  • Mircea Babaita Politehnica University of Timisoara, Faculty of Electronics & Telecommunications, Applied Electronics Department
Keywords: undergraduate education, medical, polytechnic, working opportunities, emigration


Background: While medical and polytechnic education systems seem dissimilar in approach, they both share a certain level of difficulty. After graduating, polytechnic students find easy employment in national or multinational companies, whereas medical students are presented with more job opportunities abroad. The purpose of the study was to compare students’ satisfaction with training and career preferences from a technical and a medical perspective. The methods were as follows: the study participants were divided in two samples (polytechnic and medical undergraduates) and asked to fill in a satisfaction questionnaire regarding their professional training. In addition, they were invited to express options about the intended future career. Results: we found no differences between the two samples regarding the participants’ satisfaction with teaching staff and labs. Polytechnic students have more Ph.D. opportunities while medical students were more involved with participation in conferences. Satisfaction with lectures and practical projects was significantly higher among medical students. Conclusions: Both polytechnic and medical students rate their training as satisfying, and half of them consider leaving the country.


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