• Slavica Rocheska University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola, Faculty of Economics-Prilep
  • Marjan Angeleski University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola, Faculty of Economics-Prilep
  • Dimitar Nikoloski University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola, Faculty of Economics-Prilep
  • Gjorgji Mancheski University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola, Faculty of Economics-Prilep
Keywords: youth employment, digital technologies, South East Europe


Nowadays digital technologies induce significant changes in the traditional employment practices and offer creative alternative for employment of youth population. The information and communication technologies (ICTs) have contributed for relativisation of the spatial dimension of employment and provide easier access of youth to labor market. This paper is focused on perceiving the opportunities for enhancing youth employment in South-Eastern Europe[1](SEE) through exploiting the potential of digital technologies. More specifically, the main objective of this article is to examine the ICT-enabled opportunities for dealing with the problem of youth unemployment in South-Eastern Europe whereas the emphasis is primarily put on the possibilities for online employment.

[1] The region of ‘South-Eastern Europe’ includes the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia and Macedonia.


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