Advantages Of Object-Oriented Over Relational Databases On Real-Life Applications

  • Hakan Butuner Industrial Management and Engineering Co.,Istanbul
Keywords: Object-Oriented, Relational, Databases, Applications


Business, manufacturing and other kinds of databases have been implemented by the relational database technology. The transition from one generation to the next has always been necessitated by the ever-increasing complexity of database applications and the cost of implementing, maintaining, and extending these applications. Accordingly, whatever the application areas of the relational database technology are, the basic shortcomings and weaknesses of this discipline are valid. On the other hand, the object-oriented database technology forms a good basis for all kinds of database applications, e.g., CAD/CAM/CASE/CIM systems, knowledge management systems, and others, due to its flexible, effective, and extensible data modeling and application formalism. In this study, two popular database technologies, the relational and object-oriented, are briefly introduced and their general characteristics are discussed. The purpose of this study is to point-out and compare the important features of relational and object-oriented databases, for the sake of understanding the pros and cons of these technologies before implementing them. 


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