A Data Mart Approach For A Centralized Egovernance Data Warehouse

  • V Subrahmanyam School of Computer and Information Sciences, IGNOU, New Delhi
  • N Doja Dept. of Computer Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
Keywords: Data Warehouse, Government, India, Case Study


With many computer applications in place, large quantities of data have been collected over a period of years. Private organizations recognized that there is value in the historical data of their own organizations and have undertaken projects to build Data Warehouses (DW) to make the data accessible in a meaningful and timely manner through data mining and querying tools. But mostly in Government organizations, it is not so.  DW and data mining technologies have extensive potential applications in the government – in various Central Government sectors such as Agriculture, Rural Development, Health and Energy etc.. We had selected this problem to design a feasible architecture in the context of Central Government of India. The basic aim of this paper is we had studied DW architectures implemented in private organisations and gave a thought to design a data mart approach architecture for a centralized eGovernance DW which covers all the major departments in the Central Government of India emphasizing the ways and means to select the subject-oriented areas for populating the data marts, implementation parameters, quality factors and at the end touched the issues like access and security involved in them. Also, we had covered presented a small case-study of a simple DW implemented in Andhra Pradesh State Government, India.


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