• Ruta Kazlauskaite ISM University of Management and Economics
  • Sarunas Abramavicius ISM University of Management and Economics
  • Tadas Sarapovas ISM University of Management and Economics
  • Modestas Gelbuda ISM University of Management and Economics
  • Dominyka Venciūtė ISM University of Management and Economics
Keywords: network theory, internationalization, emerging economies, international new ventures, small and medium sized firms.


Although interest in internationalization of firms from the emerging economies is growing, research employing network theories has been limited. The article provides a systematic literature review on the internationalization of firms originating from the emerging economies, from a network perspective. The major finding is that, contrary to expectations, social networks do not play such an important role as in the case of developed market firms. To fill this gap and to advance a more nuanced view of the network effects, the paper generates hypothesis highlighting the positive impact of networks on the initiation of internationalization process, and negative impact of social networks on speed, foreign market diversity and internationalization performance.


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