Management Of Safety In Chains Of Deliveries Based On The System Approach

  • Irina V. Terenina The Rostov State Construction University
Keywords: Safety, Supply Chain, System Approach


In given article it was analysed the intrinsic characteristic of concepts on the basis of the system approach: uncertainty, risk and stability in chains of deliveries. The basic directions of development of the modern theory and practice in the field of management of safety in chains of deliveries were formulated. The purpose of the given work is studying of sources of uncertainty in chains of deliveries and development of operating influences for stability maintenance in chains of deliveries. In the given article management of safety in chains of deliveries is investigated with use of all arsenal of methods of economic influences in connection with toolkit of the general theory of systems, the system analysis, the theory of probability, cybernetics and logistics. In the beginning of the article we prove an actuality of a considered problem and formulate the purposes and problems of the given research. Then we specify set of methods used during the decision of tasks and we offer standard set of the actions providing balance of indignant and operating influences.


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