Factors Affecting Consumer Participation In Online Shopping In Malaysia: The Case Of University Students

  • Mohammed Shamsul Chowdhury OathmanYeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business University Utara Malaysia, Kedah
  • Nadiah Ahmad School of Economics University Utara Malaysia, Kedah
Keywords: Online shopping, Participation, Trust, Integrity, Ability, Benevolence


Since lack of trust has remained one of the barriers to online shopping, this study is intended to explore the factors that affect the perceptions of trust for students’ intent to participate in online shopping. We used non-probability procedure to select respondents since we do not know how many students have access to the internet and are engaged in online shopping. Pearson correlation, multiple regression were used to test the hypotheses. The regression analysis in this study clearly supported trust and integrity, which had significance influence towards consumer participation. The study also found the trust variable had the highest correlation with the dependent variable followed by integrity.The study provided a useful insight on the significant role of trust in students’ online shopping. The study implies that trust is a key factor that indicates the effect of the Internet vendor trust on students’ online shopping behaviour. Recommendations for future research are suggested. 


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