Corporate Knowledge Management: Interdisciplinary Approach

  • Andrei Kapterev Academy of Labor and Social Relations
Keywords: professional knowledge, knowledge management, corporate level, intellectual capital, professional space, professional culture, interdisciplinary approach.


Governing the professional and intellectual potential – interdisciplinary field of scientific research and a systematic process of creating, using and developing the innovation technologies of transforming the individual knowledge and specialists’ experience in such a way that would apply the knowledge and experience to the processes, services and products offered by an organization to reach its strategic goals. From the technological standpoint, governing the professional and intellectual potential represents modeling, forming, using and developing the corporate system of governing the professional and intellectual potential, including: (a) corporate model of external environment and internal business processes; (b) corporate information system; (c) corporate knowledge management system (KMS); and (d) corporate learning management system (LMS). Author considers structuring knowledge using this model rather valuable during the stage of forming the governance system of the professional and intellectual potential. Understanding, i.e., explicit definition of these factors, would allow for constant observation of the behavioral trends and for organizing the activity in a way conducive for influencing the favorable change of these factors. In addition, the presence of the critical management factor (CMF) system enables one to check the significance of any activity (i.e., any processes within a company) against these factors.


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Kapterev A. I. Governing Professional and Intellectual Potential of a Modern Organization [Upravlenie professional’no-intellektual’nim potentsialom sovremennoi organizatsii] Monograph.- М.- 2004.- 302 pp.-
