Social Partnership Of Establishments Of Formation With Employers As Effective Preparation Of The Expert On A Labor Market

  • Irina Firsova Financial University
  • Svetlana Karpova Financial University
Keywords: Labor Market, Social Partnership, Expert Demand, Social Order


This article considers the problem of preparation of highly skilled professional. Both labor market research and the review of the statistical data have shown that the demand for competent experts today surpasses the supply. With regard to this, creation of optimum conditions for effective functioning and development of educational institutions with attraction of other control links by system which directly influence educational institutions is necessary. This process should go hand in hand with direct relation to manufacture. For the successful solution of professional problems of formation the competences of the future experts, it is necessary to apply tools and technologies that enable to develop and introduce mechanisms of transfer of requirements of the social order («a voice of employers») in remedial aspects of preparation of experts through set of the actions based on a cycle "plan-introduce-estimate-improve".


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