• Andrey Prigulnyy St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics
Keywords: Scientific and technical potential■ Innovative economy■ Technician■ Technology■ High technologies■Competitiveness.


Russia's economic development over the past two decades has low rates. This situation is due to technological many systems, which complicates the timely reallocation of resources for the development of new techniques and technologies. Technological backwardness of Russian production entailed finding ways to update the scientific and technical potential, active transition to an innovative economy, methods of redistribution of resources to the development of new techniques and technologies. In the article the practice of implementing different directions out of the situation of scientific and technical gaps and create an innovative economy. As one of the most effective ways of saving the author considered scientific-industrial complex in the nuclear and aviation industries. The problem is to create a macroeconomic environment for the development of new technology industries, a further expansion that would generate intellectual rent worldwide. To resolve this issue on a priority basis to overcome a decline in innovation potential through the sharp increase investment in science and education.


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