Role of social media in brand development in Saudi Arabia

  • Abeer Abdullah Al Saud Owner of Doe Sandwich, Saudi Arabia
  • Muhammad Rahatullah Khan Effat University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Social Media, Brand Development, Saudi Arabia


Literature is ripe with the scholarly contributions on brand development from all aspects. The new marketing tools and techniques are introduced frequently. However, the impact social media has had on brand development is no match to traditional promotion in 4Ps. The information about Saudi Arabia is specially rare. This article based on a survey of 200 social media users on evaluates the role of social media in brand development in Saudi Arabia. The results from this Saudi example show that social media including Facebook and Twitter are among the most effective tool to develop a brand as compared to traditional promotional methods. It has also been found that these media are more successful in Saudi Arabia to develop the brand recall and image.


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