• Daniel Brezina University of Žilina, Faculty of Security Engineering, Department of Crisis Management
  • Ladislav Šimák University of Žilina, Faculty of Security Engineering, Department of Crisis Management
Keywords: natural disasters, model, reaction


The forecasting of natural disasters is more complicated than other crisis events. It requires the full use of special forces and means, which are intended to solve them. Crisis managers and many authorities or institutions are involved in the process of solving crisis events. They are exposed to psychical pressure because each phase or reaction must be made promptly and effectively. The authors focus on issues of risk and crisis management in the public sector in their research activities at the University of Žilina. The aim of this article is to propose a well-functioning and effective reaction to natural disasters in Slovakia. This model is proposed with schematic drawings illustrating the activities in each phase of reaction to a natural disaster. The model is based on international past experiences and various laws or ordinances of multiple ministries for the Slovak crisis management system. This article points to possibly optimizing the decision-making processes at all levels of crisis management, in particular to improve the local government level.


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