• Michela Tramonti Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
  • Desislava Paneva-Marinova Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Radoslav Pavlov Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Keywords: mathematics education, learning by doing, inquiry-based learning, arts, technology-enhanced learning


According to worldwide surveys (such as PISA and TIMSS), European students often lack both mathematical and key basic competencies in science and technology. The mean scores for mathematics obtained by students are below the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development average (OECD). The learning of the mathematics literacy enables students to contribute effectively in actual society, enhancing their employment prospects. This paper intends to describe an innovative learning and teaching approach, actually in the development phase, in the field of mathematics for 14-16 years old students through the combination of current approaches used in Europe (such as inquiry based learning and technology-enhanced learning) and the Asian one, the Singapore’s method based on three phases, concrete-pictorial-abstract, through the use of artworks. This intends to allow the development of a more effective educational and training environment for teachers and their students who will benefit from the use of more attractive and fun pedagogical tools in the study of mathematics.


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