• Ivan Stríček University of Žilina in Žilina, FPEDaS, Department of Communication
  • Ivana Andrisková University of Žilina in Žilina, FPEDaS, Department of Communication
Keywords: Dashboard, financial, modeling, tool, excel, data


This article is focused on the possibility of utilizing dashboard applications in financial modeling. In the era of easy access to the spreadsheet generator, as well as applications and the Internet, it is appropriate to use these tools in each area. The increasing amount of data and the need for daily monitoring and evaluation lead to the development of management applications with graphical data analysis known as “Dashboards.” The manager has the option to buy the app with a predefined environment, or create his own version—specific to the company. If only a simpler design is needed, without an online base and a connection with external databases, then it is possible to create such a simple dashboard using Excel and manage it by trained personnel. In the article, we, therefore, introduced a sample of financial indicator suitable for analysis through the application process and also showed how to create the basic interactive application.


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